Friday, November 8, 2013

Make My Blog Famous

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I've been a user of the the famous creative site Tumblr for 3 years now and I have seen people that in juts moths they've created they're blogs and they become famous just like that. Unfortunately that was not the case with me and I have been trying so hard and Im at 337 Followers with more that 25k posts lets hope that in a near future I have a blog that people go to when they want to laugh and have fun and have a Famous blog where I can post stuff people like without losing myself in the process.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Go to Dubai

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Ah.. the middle east its one of the places Im dying to visit and the beautiful city of Dubai, one of the most advanced cities in architecture, is on the top of my list. Explore their culture and go the huge mall of Dubai, which I might add is the most visited mall in the world, is one of the many places I really want to go.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pet a Tiger

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I have always wanted to pet a tiger because its one of the most beautiful but dangerous animals around, also its one of my personal favorites. Unfortunately were I live they arent any tigers around (Thank God) so I cant go touch or pet them at all. But I've always wanted to touch one.

Travel the World

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I've always had the dream of going around the world me alone and also have a career that takes around it all the time. Getting out of my comfort zone and explore the beautiful areas and cultures the world has to offer. But I need a pile of cash to actually travel the world and in this economy I dont see that happening soon.

Be the Protagonist of a Hit Movie

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Being a movie star is one of my biggest dreams besides being a teacher of course. Since Im a little kid i've been in numerous drama clubs and have been acting all my life and I love it. Of course this dream many people very talented have it too and lets be honest, its not the most reliable career to follow, thats why I admire those who don't care of if they fail at first they follow their dreams and Hey! some of them even achieve them. Thats why I applaud those who dont care what other people say and dont give up on their dreams.

Graduate from College

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I just can't wait to say Im officially graduated and not only because I dont have to study anymore and Im finally going to face the real world, but also, because not everyone can say they have officially graduated from college, because now a days the rate of college students graduating is going down every year more and more. I can't wait to call myself a professional and finally get to experience what is like to be a teacher and bond with my students.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Go on a Cruise

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I have never gone on a Cruise unfortunately I am probably the only one between my friends who hasnt and in this economy I dont think I'll go any time or soon. But my friends have always spoken highly of cruise trips and have made friends from around the world who they are still in contact with and I really would like to have the experience of going on a cruise.